Keeping Jiu Jitsu Your Belt Tidy: Belt Storage and Organization Tips

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In the world of martial arts, the belt is not just a piece of fabric; it’s a symbol of dedication, perseverance, and personal growth. Whether you’re a seasoned black belt or just starting your martial arts journey, you’ve likely developed a deep connection to your Jiu Jitsu belt. To honor that connection and preserve the integrity of your belt, proper storage and organization are essential. In this article, we’ll explore some belt storage and organization tips to help you keep your belt tidy and meaningful.

1. Invest in a Belt Rack:

A belt rack is a fantastic solution for keeping your Jiu Jitsu belts organized and easily accessible. These racks are specifically designed for martial arts belts, with individual hooks or slots to accommodate each belt in your collection. You can find belt racks in various sizes, ranging from compact models that hold a few belts to larger, wall-mounted versions that can display an extensive collection.


A belt rack not only keeps your belts neatly organized but also serves as a visible testament to your martial arts journey. When you arrange your Jiu Jitsu belts on the rack, you create a visual representation of your progress, starting with the white belt and progressing through the ranks. This visual display can be highly motivating, reminding you of how far you’ve come and how much you’ve achieved in your martial arts training.

2. Display Your Journey:

When you arrange your belts on a belt rack, you’re not just keeping them tidy; you’re showcasing your martial arts journey for all to see. The sequential order of your belts is not only a record of your achievements but also a source of inspiration for both yourself and those who see it. Your belt display is a constant reminder of your commitment and dedication to your martial art.


Whether it’s in your home, dojo, or training space, this display reflects your progress, serving as a symbol of your martial arts journey. It’s a point of pride, and it can motivate you to keep pushing yourself to reach new heights and earn higher-ranking belts.

Learn the proper way to tie your BJJ belt for a secure and respectful fit in our comprehensive guide: How to Tie Your BJJ Belt

3. Create a Belt Shadow Box:

For those looking to add a decorative touch to their Jiu Jitsu belt display, a belt shadow box is an excellent choice. A belt shadow box is a frame with a glass front that allows you to arrange your belts in an aesthetically pleasing manner. The frame can be hung on the wall or placed on a shelf.

Not only does a belt shadow box keep your belts protected from dust and damage, but it also allows you to add a personal touch to your display. You can include a photo of yourself in action, a brief description of your journey, or any other mementos that hold significance in your martial arts story. The result is a visually appealing and meaningful piece of art that encapsulates your martial arts experience.

4. Belt Hangers:

For a simple and budget-friendly organization method, belt hangers are an ideal choice. These hangers are similar to regular clothing hangers but come with hooks or clips designed to hold belts securely. They are a convenient option for those who want to keep their belts in their closets or on hooks in their training space.

Using belt hangers, you can keep your belts neatly organized and prevent them from becoming tangled or wrinkled. Plus, it makes selecting the right belt for your training session a breeze, as they are all visible and easily accessible.

5. Use a Belt Bag:

For martial artists who are always on the move, such as those who travel to different dojos or competitions, a belt bag is a practical storage solution. These bags are designed to hold your belt and other essentials, ensuring that everything is organized and ready for action.

A belt bag typically features separate compartments for your belt, uniform, and other gear. This not only keeps your belt tidy but also makes it easy to transport your essentials without the risk of leaving anything behind. Look for a bag that is durable and has secure closures to protect your gear during travel.

6. Keep Your Belt Clean:

Proper storage is not only about organization; it’s also about maintaining the cleanliness of your belt. Regular cleaning is essential to prevent the accumulation of dirt, sweat, and odors. The frequency of cleaning your belt may vary based on your training intensity and environment.

Before cleaning your belt, be sure to check the manufacturer’s recommendations or consult your instructor, as different materials may require specific care. In most cases, hand washing with mild detergent and air-drying is a safe method for cleaning your belt. Avoid machine washing or using harsh chemicals, as these can damage the fabric and any embroidery or patches.

By keeping your belt clean, you not only extend its lifespan but also show respect for your martial art and training partners. A clean belt reflects your dedication and commitment to the art.

7. Avoid Knotting Your Belt:

When it comes to storing your belt, it’s essential to avoid tying it in knots. Knots can lead to unnecessary wear and creases in the fabric, affecting the overall appearance and integrity of the belt. Instead, consider gently folding your belt and placing it in its designated storage space.

While tying a knot might be a common practice in training, especially during class or competitions, it’s advisable to avoid doing so when storing your belt. Instead, take the extra moment to neatly fold it, ensuring that it stays in optimal condition over time.

8. Educate Your Students:

If you’re an instructor, part of your role is to educate your students about the significance of proper belt storage. Explain to them that their belts are not just pieces of fabric but symbols of their dedication and progress in martial arts. Encourage them to invest in belt racks, hangers, or other suitable storage solutions, so they can protect and showcase their belts with pride.

Teaching your students about the importance of belt care and organization is not only about preserving the physical condition of their belts but also about instilling respect for the martial art and its traditions. By passing on this knowledge, you help ensure that the significance of belts and their proper care is carried forward in the martial arts community.

9. Maintain Respect:

Above all, it’s essential to remember that your martial arts belt is more than just a piece of fabric; it’s a symbol of respect—for your martial art, for your instructors, and for your fellow practitioners. Treating your belt with respect and reverence is a reflection of the values instilled by martial arts.


Your belt represents the time and effort you’ve invested in your training, the knowledge and skills you’ve acquired, and the respect you have for the traditions of your martial art. When you handle your belt with care and store it properly, you honor the values that martial arts have taught you, and you continue to carry forward the legacy of respect and discipline.


In conclusion, keeping your belt tidy is not just about aesthetics; it’s about respecting the traditions and values of martial arts. With the right storage and organization methods, you can ensure that your belt remains a meaningful representation of your martial arts journey. So, whether you choose a belt rack, shadow box, or another storage method, the key is to keep it organized and protect its significance. Your belt is more than just fabric; it’s a symbol of your martial arts spirit and dedication.